4 Ways to Prepare for Your Bridal Hair and Makeup Trial

Preparing for your bridal hair and makeup trial is essential to ensure that your wedding day look is flawless and exactly how you envision it. By following these four important steps, you can make the most of your trial and achieve the perfect bridal look.

  1. Gather Inspiration:
    Before your trial, gather inspiration by researching bridal hairstyles and makeup looks. Browse through my gallery, Pinterest boards, or bridal websites to find styles that resonate with your personal taste. Also, try to find images that have a similar hair, skin and eye colour to yourself to ensure your images are suited to you. Having visual references will help you effectively communicate your preferences.

  2. Communicate Clearly:
    During your trial, it's crucial to effectively communicate your expectations and desires. Be open and honest about what you like and dislike, and provide constructive feedback throughout the process. Clear communication will help your stylist understand your vision and make any necessary adjustments.

  3. Come Prepared:
    To ensure a successful trial, come prepared with relevant information and items. Bring any hair accessories, veils, or jewellery that you plan to wear on your wedding day. Additionally, wear a top or dress in a similar colour and neckline to your wedding dress, as it will help you visualise the overall look.

  4. Take Detailed Notes and Photos:
    Throughout the trial, take photos of each hairstyle and makeup look that you try. This will help you remember which styles you liked best and serve as a reference when discussing your final choices with your stylist.

Preparing for your bridal hair and makeup trial is a crucial step in achieving your dream wedding day look. By gathering inspiration, communicating effectively, coming prepared and documenting your trial, you'll ensure a smooth and successful experience.

Lots of Love
Emma Poppy x